Digital Starion 600i

After spending a good deal of time collecting Apple machines, I decided it was time to have a machine that served a more nostalgic purpose: recreating the first family computer. This is a pretty standard Pentium machine, capable of running MS-DOS and Windows up to 98 or so, though 3.1 and 95 are what it is best suited for.

I found a Matrox video card on eBay that allows me to use a monitor at 1920x1200 resolution in Windows 95, which is very ridiculous. The drivers can't go quite that high in Windows 3.1, but they get close. I also put a compact flash card IDE adapter in the back, making it easy for me to keep multiple OSes and programs available to swap quickly. There were, after all, lots of things I never could do on the family computer that I must try now. Things like installing OS/2 or playing with different sound cards. But I also need to be able to do nostalgic things like running Kid Pix in Windows 3.1 at a moments notice. Hence the CF card adapter makes the most sense for this machine, unlike the others in my collection, which maintain their spinning rust drives.